Personal work, Street Photography Portfolio.

An assortment of my personal photography work which is mostly street photography. I use both film and digital for my personal work with film being shot on a Nikon FE camera from the late 1970’s and generally on Ilford HP5 for black and white and Kodak Portra for colour, both are home developed and scanned.  For my digital personal work I use the Fujifilm X-Pro3 camera often with straight out the camera Jpg files with no processing.

To me the definition of street photography is images shot unposed and without the subjects permission in the street. I find street photography is excellent for sharpening my skills as a wedding photographer. I tend to work with a 35mm or 24mm lens and am often close to the subjects, the only time I have had anyone hostile is the image halfway down this page with the subject giving me the finger (which made the photograph a lot more interesting!), usually I go completely unnoticed.

This gallery contains work shot in London, Northampton, Milton Keynes, Skegness, Peterborough, Higham Ferrers and Cambridge.

street photography Milton Keynes

Shot on Ilford HP5 film



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