The essence of a wedding – Menorca

I’ve often wondered what the essential elements for a wedding are, certainly a lot of things can be stripped out and it can still be a wedding. What about removing any sort of formal ceremony? Andrea and Vick put this to the test with their informal wedding in sunny Menorca after taking care of the legal formalities in the UK.

An informal wedding in Arenal D’en Castell, Menorca. 

This was a wedding with a difference, there wouldn’t be a formal wedding ceremony. Andrea and Vick had a register office marriage in the UK which left them free to have the wedding they wanted in Menorca.

The wedding started with a late informal dinner on the Monday evening at the Blue Arenal, a fish restaurant overlooking the bay of Arenal D’en Castell, and continued on the Tuesday at a rented villa close to the sea.

Much of Tuesday morning was spent making decorations and preparing the table for dinner, although there was still plenty of time to cool down in the pool.

The wedding ceremony.

I’ve photographed many garden weddings but never any as relaxed as this, the ceremony took place under a tree which offered some shade from the mediterranean sun. Rather than opting for a celebrant, Andrea and Vick had one of their friends conduct the wedding ceremony. It was the most laid back and informal ceremony I have experienced, which leads back to my original question on the essential elements for a wedding, the answer I think is you just need two people in love (and a good wedding photographer!).

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